Jorge and Gloria Cotrina

Missionaries in Peru

At the tender age of 5 years old, a group of missionaries visited Jorge’s village, and the Cotrina family was changed forever. The entire family began to attend church and serve the Lord by serving their people. They put into practice what the missionaries had shown them, sharing time, love, food and the Word of God. Both Jorge and his wife, Gloria, worked in ministry alongside Jorge’s father until his passing 12 years ago. Jorge and Gloria have been blessed with good educational opportunities that they now employ in creative ways to share the gospel through visual art and technology. Together, the Cotrinas share a strong sense of God’s call to labor in the fields of harvest. They travel along the coast, the mountains and the jungle with the sole purpose of taking the good news, training leaders and pastors. The Cotrinas have two children: a son, Sebastian, who is 5 years old, and a baby girl, Valentina, born March 2019.

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