Fred and Wilma Flintstone

Missionaries in United States




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Nicaragua Christian Academy - Academic Excellence with a Christian Foundation

Mission and Values

Association of NCA Mission Statement

The Association of Nicaragua Christian Academy exists to establish, govern, and strengthen Educational Centers that develop spiritual, social, physical and academic excellence in students so that they can be active disciples of Jesus Christ.

NCA School Mission Statement

NCA Educational Centers partner with Christian parents in developing spiritual, social, physical and academic excellence in students so that they can be active disciples of Jesus Christ.

Identity Statement

Our Educational Centers are evangelical, interdenominational, and non-profit institutions.

The primary and intentional ministry of NCA International is to provide a high quality integral Evangelical Christian education for the children of evangelical expatriate missionary families.  The program of study follows the North American school calendar year and provides an accredited North American liberal arts, English-language, Christian education that prepares students to enter institutions of higher learning.  To the extent that it does not impede the primary ministry, our secondary ministry is to equip Nicaraguans to impact their country and the nations for Christ.

The primary and intentional ministry of NCA National campuses is to provide a high quality integral Evangelical Christian education for the children of Nicaraguan Christian families. We seek to equip Nicaraguans to impact their country and the nations for Christ. The program of study follows the Nicaraguan school calendar year and is delivered in Spanish, approved by the Ministry of Education of Nicaragua, with the purpose of preparing students for Latin American universities and the job market.

Additionally, we seek to collaborate in the Christian School movement in Nicaragua by actively participating in school associations and strengthening programs for teacher training, among other educational service opportunities. We influence and work alongside Christian educational centers and networks of educators to impact families, Nicaraguan society, and the nations for Christ.

NCA Distinctives

Christian Values and Discipleship

Nicaragua Christian Academy is committed to the advancement of Christian education, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, which fosters the formation of Christ-followers who, motivated by heartfelt love for God, live as global agents of change.

NCA Values:

  • Christ-centered: servant leaders, care for creation, gracious and forgiving.
  • People of virtue: excellence, integrity, humble, lovers of God and His Word.
  • Lifelong learners: love for learning, self-motivated and eager for knowledge.
  • Agents of change: creative and innovative, restorative, mission-minded, disciples and disciple-makers.

NCA communities foster a community of GRACIA (Gratitude, Respect, Authentic Love, Community, Integrity, and Always Learning).

Ministry in Community

In accordance with our statement of faith, we believe that formal Christian education, in partnership with Christian families, is an instrument used to impart the truth of the Gospel resulting in the formation of active disciples of Christ.  Education is done in community as a body of many parts (Romans 12:4-5). Thus, we seek to be an interdenominational, multicultural, multilingual, educational community with diversity in various skills and abilities. Diversity in our Educational Centers promotes respect and love for the body of believers. Students develop the skills and abilities to impact society in partnership with loving and well trained teachers and a caring and supportive community. As a community we are comprised of students, parents, teachers, and leadership.


Our Educational Centers are an integral part in the discipling process of children, which produces Christ following disciples who seek to love God and their neighbor.  The education of students is a holistic process of spiritual, social, physical and academic development, with the goal that students will:

  • Acquire - sufficient knowledge and skills to reach their full potential
  • Develop - a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ in becoming active disciples
  • Think - critically from a Biblical perspective
  • Apply - what they have learned in service to God and humankind.


NCA recognizes that the parents are primary responsibility before God for the nurture of their children in the ways of the Lord. Therefore, the Educational Center sees itself as an extension of the home. We see the home, church, and Educational Center as partners in helping the students to grow in discipleship, equipped for life, and living in obedience to God’s Word.


Teachers are more than the presenters of facts, concepts and skills.  Teachers help students to acquire the skills to gain knowledge, teaching students how to think and reason, and preparing them to be lifelong learners. Teachers inspire students to desire to know more about God and His creation. Teachers themselves must therefore be lifelong learners, lovers of the Word, and disciples of Jesus Christ.

Leadership (Administration and the Board)

The leadership of our Educational Centers establish, govern, and strengthen the Educational Center’s mission, vision and values. It does this by establishing policies that govern the Educational Center’s operations. The leadership achieves these goals through servant leadership and by discipling in action and in humility. The leadership researches and develops innovative educational approaches and promotes the professional development of all staff. The leadership seeks to develop and ensure a safe and adequate learning environment.