Fred and Wilma Flintstone

Missionaries in United States


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Say NO to perfection and yes to...

            I struggle with perfection. I want to be the perfect mom, wife, missionary... Don’t you want to be perfect? You know… Perfect body, attitude, social skills… Wouldn’t it be nice to be the one that never gets angry. The one that has homemade, healthy snacks ready all the time. The one that always has something to say that’s understanding and insightful? Well, I hate to break it to you but perfect is not possible… I’ve tried. To be honest I’ve struggled with an eating disorder and exercise obsession to achieve that perfect image and it doesn’t work…

            I challenge you and myself to stop trying to be perfect and instead being authentic. I don’t know about you, but I know that most of the time I fear that being authentic will lead to judgement. What if I’m honest and the response is criticism? Yes, that could happen but that fear of criticism, judgment, or perhaps rejection has consequences too.

            If I let the fear of being authentic drive me away from connecting with people; then what am I doing with my life? My mission is to tell others about Jesus and encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ. I want my life to reflect the relationship that I have with the Lord. How? I have to be authentic and genuine with the people that God brings into my life.

            What’s the problem then? One possibility is that I might be trying to control too much… If I’m having a bad day then its OK. If my four-year-old and two-year-old are driving me crazy with their own struggle for independence, its OK. The problem with over-controlling is fearing that God is not in control. Trust that God is in control. Trust that God has a plan. Stop trying to run the show and walk in faith. Practically speaking for me that means that when someone shows up to my house to talk and I’m knee deep in poopy diapers; well, praise the Lord! Someone just showed up that I can love on like Jesus wants me to.

            Be honest with yourself. Being perfect is impossible. Only Jesus lived the perfect life. Let’s embrace who we are as a child of God and keep fighting to live more and more of a righteous life; as a follower of Jesus. I want to be able to reflect 2 Timothy 1:7 “…for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” I want my personality who “Ruthie” really is to reflect love, self-control, power, and not fear.

            I want to challenge you to be authentic. I want to challenge you to be gracious with your friends, colleagues, family, and anyone that comes in your path! I want you to remember that God has a plan. He is in control. Surrender your day, schedule, and your control to the God who loves you so much! I guarantee you that the God who made the Universe has a better plan than you or I do. Let’s trust Him.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”                  

                                                             Romans 8:28

(photo credit: DisneyPixar’s Inside Out)