Fred and Wilma Flintstone

Missionaries in United States


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Missionary Kid (MK) Moments

            Let me take a little trip down memory lane with you… I grew up as a missionary kid and I loved it! All of the ups and downs were valuable. There is nothing more thrilling than riding in a dugout canoe to a village that can only be accessed by river, to serve in a remote corner of the world. Encountering the most beautiful children in the world and seeing their emotional scars. The hard truth that they will likely die from easily treatable infections, worms, diarrhea… That is where my passion for medical missions was born. Isn’t it marvelous how God can use our experiences to help shape us? God used those vulnerable moments to show me that ultimately, He matters most! I could see in those tender faces that God could and does bring JOY to the darkest situations. A personal relationship with the Savior, Jesus Christ, trumps all circumstances.

            So here I am as an adult, with two beautiful children and they are experiencing life as missionary kids in Nicaragua. There have been a LOT of ups and downs. I have also seen first hand that God is, and will always be faithful to give us just what we need. Kalvin has been fascinated by all of the ants. He quickly learned that the little black ones bite! Really, really, bad ouchies! He also learned that the tiny little ones that flock to food; can be easily brushed off. He left a chocolate-chip cookie on the table for a few minutes and came back to discover that these pesky ants had found his cookie! A knowing smile crossed my face when he picked up that cookie, brushed off the ants and shoved it in his mouth. Oh! I have many memories of doing the very same thing. It is practically a crime to waste precious imported chocolate-chips!

            The other morning, we made pancakes for breakfast and finished off a bottle of syrup. Kenzi washed the syrup bottle and proceeded to fill it with filtered water. (She frequently has observed that EVERYTHING is used in this country and wanted to do the same!) With her face beaming pride, she walked up to me and said “Mommy, look! I have the best water bottle with a handle!” She currently uses it as her water bottle in school! Ha!

            Holding onto them with a tight embrace is common as well; when hot tears cascade down their precious faces as they ask for family back home. Kenzi asks me every day when she will see her loved ones again. I remind her that God has a plan and a purpose for our living in Nicaragua. We can see that every day in the faces of the people as we share God’s love.

            Life as a missionary kid is different. Life is different for all of us. Each one of us will have different experiences, perspectives, emotions… I want to challenge you to see how God provides for you and I in every moment. Maybe it’s a Bible verse that whispers in your mind when you need it most. Maybe it’s a beautiful flower that comes across your path. Maybe it’s an unexpected smile. Maybe it’s in the breath that you have as you are given another day to glorify the Lord. Look for Him. He is there for you.

Pray with me:

Lord thank you for providing for me. Thank you for this breath that I have. Please help me to choose to look for, and be thankful for the ways that you lift up my soul. Jesus help me to have the courage to proclaim Your name every day! Jesus help me to run the race with passion and let the love that You give; overflow in every thought, word, and action. Thank you for Your love!


“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4