Fred and Wilma Flintstone

Missionaries in United States


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Orientation to Missionary Ventures International

The next big step in this adventure of becoming full time missionaries is attending our formal orientation with Missionary Ventures International (MVI) in Orlando Florida in a few weeks. Tom and I have been reading the book Strengths Finder by Tom Rath; as part of our preparation for orientation. This book has been a great learning opportunity in discovering how to cultivate and develop our strengths. When Tom and I first reached out to MVI, orientation felt like it would never come, and now that it is here we can hardly wait to pack up the car and go. Please join us in praying for safe travels, and peace with our two small children (3 and 1 yr olds); who to be honest don’t enjoy being in the car. I know that our prayer life will be strengthened over the long drive! Tom and I have also been pouring over Scripture and reminding ourselves daily of the rock solid foundation found in Christ alone. One of the many verses that we have been reminding ourselves of is Philippians 4:8 which reminds us to keep our minds focused on whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, worthy of praise… God is so good to give us the Bible! The mystery of being able to read a book and have direct access to the author Himself is something that I will never get over. Praise the Lord for His Word and the truth found there! Tom or I will reach out again soon after we attend orientation. Have a great month of June!