Fred and Wilma Flintstone

Missionaries in United States


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At the ready for... Hospitality. Yikes.

Hola! Bienvenida! Hello and welcome… let’s imagine that we are sharing a cup of tea or coffee together and talking beside a warm fire or the beautiful ocean…

I am a full-time missionary living in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. I have sold almost all my earthly possessions in order to get here. Why? Because I want to tell people about Jesus and encourage those who know the Lord to dive into a more intimate relationship with Him. I can’t think of anything more important than really knowing and believing who He is and telling everyone on this planet. Let’s just simply say that there are not as many opportunities for the people of Matagalpa to hear about Jesus and to learn how to live an abundant life; as compared to my home of Oklahoma… Okie dokie, let’s jump into this hospitality topic.

I am going to be brutally honest here… I love the idea of having anyone and everyone over to my home whenever. The saying in Latin America is “mi casa, es su casa.” Translated it means “my house, is your house.” I crave those meaningful relationships that are built on being generous. To talk about the Lord, live a life changed by the renewing of my mind through reading the Word of the Lord, and to serve Him; is exactly what I am created to do. If there is one thing that I could do for the rest of my life and it would be enough it would be to study the Bible (with a hot cup of coffee and in a hammock on the beach)! If only that was enough…

Alright folks, here’s the truth… I struggle with wanting my home to be “perfect” in order to have anyone over. Mommas of small children I think you can probably relate to this… I want the toys to be picked up, the floor to be clean (which the windows are always open to allow a breeze… gotta love not having central air- the dust quickly covers the floor in a nice brown sheet very quickly…) and of course I want to be able to serve a delicious baked treat and beverage to my guests. I love to bake. This is one of the things that I miss the most with the hustle and bustle of new missionary life and being a momma. Baking sweets and treats isn’t exactly the top of the list.

I would like to add that I have always identified with Martha in the preparing for company. One of my favorite sermons that my Dad has preached and I have had the privilege to listen and learn from is the account of Mary and Martha found in Luke 10: 38-42. I long to be like Mary who was able to sit at Jesus’ feet and not worry about the meal or what I can give. Instead Jesus gently tells Martha in verse 41, “Martha, Martha, you are ANXIOUS and TROUBLED about many things, but only ONE thing is necessary.” Oh I can’t begin to tell you how many times I stop dead in my tracks caught in this same situation. I am running around the house trying to cook and clean and tell the kids to stop tearing apart the house… And I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit gently whispering to my frantic mind… “Ruthie, Ruthie… you are worried about so many things but only ONE breathes life and hope into the darkness.” Do your best as doing it for Jesus and leave the rest to Him. (as my Aunt Viola would say.) I can give myself a little credit that when people come over, I am usually able to get over how I wanted the house to look and just enjoy the company. Praise the Lord for His help!

Alright I know that I have already written more than most will have the time and/or patience to read. So if you have made it to this point, thank you for taking the time to read these words. I hope that they have encouraged your soul. Maybe your like me and you are encouraged that it’s not just you. Maybe your more of a Mary type and if so, props for you sister! Whoever you are and whatever season of life that you may be in; know that God is control and He loves you. Lean into Jesus and breathe the life that is found in the Scriptures. AND share that hope and joy with others!

With HIS love,
