Rick Sucher

Missionary in Dominican Republic


Rick has been a missionary since 1999 serving first in the Philippines and now in the Dominican Republic. After his wife passed away after being married for 35 years and five beautiful children, he was blessed by God in 2022 to have Cindy come into his life. From the very beginning the heart of their ministry has been to work with pastors strengthening their churches, and assisting them in establishing outreach ministries. They have four main focuses- discipleship and nutrition programs for over 250 children on a weekly basis, establishing accredited Bible schools within their partnering churches to raise up future leaders and pastors, overseeing occupational training programs so that graduates can start their own businesses and or find better paying jobs, and lastly hosting mission teams to help impact the ministries of our church partners and impact the lives of those that come down to serve with us.


Visit our website to learn more: rescuefirstministries.org


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